
Building and funding schools to empower Yemen’s future.Building and funding

Comunity Awareness

knowledge created through interaction between community community

Capacity Building

the process of developing and strengthening the skills, instincts, abilities, processes

Youth Development

PYD is an intentional, prosocial approach that engages youth within their communities school

About us


Not only endowment is making a lasting impact in the life of many needy people, waqf is a legacy of our religion and a practice that has almost disappeared from our lives. We wonder how many times we have drunk from wells we didn’t dug and have sat under the shade of tress we didn’t plant. It’s our turn to pay it forward. Pure Hands waqf fund initiative is a good way to contribute to keeping this legacy alive. With Pure Hands Waqf, you do not have to be rich to contribute to waqf efforts, you can donate in different and easy ways including blessed tree shares for as low as $ 300 a tree, or as low as $ 100 a share of waqf share project.

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Children in Yemen are acutely malnourished and require urgent care.


School-age children have no access to education.


People have become internally displaced.


People are food insecure.


Krista’s Climb for a Cause​

Make learning possible for children who are all ages, from kindergarten to high school and adults also. 

Provide learning vocational training, educational opportunities that help adults improve their education, and catch up with modern life. 

Community Awareness

Yemen’s healthcare system is on the brink of collapse. Over half the country’s health care facilities have either been damaged or completely destroyed by the ongoing conflict, leaving 20 million people in need of basic health care assistance.


Pure Hand Offers Healthcare Support in the Following Ways:

  • Medicine, medical supplies, and equipment.
  • Rehabilitation of hospitals and healthcare facilities.
  • Prevention and control of cholera outbreaks and other
    transmitted diseases.
  • Financial assistance to low-income patients who need
    medical treatment abroad.

Being Realistic With Your Goals

Enhance children protection system to dealing with the prevention of child abuse in general, anti-bullying or prevention of child sexual abuse.

Ensuring children live in a supportive family environment, full educational learning, access to justice and protection from violence, abuse and exploitation.

We always see hope

Provide exceptional healthcare, foods & funds to support victims in natural or pandemic disaster, war, ...

Offer free of charge, high quality medical treatment and surgical care for people.

from our blog.

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Help Pure Hands fight poverty and inequality, and respond to pressing emergencies by making a tax-deductible gift today.

Do you have questions? Call or visit us.

(800) 425-1647

2320 LOS RIOS BLVD STE #102, PLANO, TX 75074, United States

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